9814815809 pgcebp@hotmail.com

Director’s Message

Dr. Vikas Kaushal

Managing Director

The management of Pine Grove finds it a pleasure to welcome you, to join our family. Pine Grove believes in creating professionals with high moral values, sound intellectual power and decision making skills. The concept of education has changed from disseminating just textual knowledge to imparting career driven knowledge. The teacher’s performance is the most crucial input in the field of education. The quality of teachers in turn depends upon the teacher education programmes. We at Pine Grove have imbibed this culture and values in our college. We take the challenge of preparing new generation of professionals. Education is a multi dimensional process with the specific purpose of achieving maximum self-realization for the person and providing optimal benefit to the society. Education is the most important driver of social change and economic growth. As a nation we are aware about our potential and the opening of opportunities.

I strongly believe that one should always be positive in thinking and the day is not far when with the sincere efforts. we shall be proud indians and shall review the past glory and enter high tech I.T. age hand in hand. our aim should always be “sky is the limit”.
