9814815809 pgcebp@hotmail.com


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go.”
Book aid India is an organisation for making all deprived, neglected and unfortunate children more exposed to books in the rural and remote corners of our not only in India but abroad also.They collect books and novels to make them literate so that they can bring change by education in the world.
Book aid India is always on its toes,to not only donate books to needy and deserving but also for future aspirants in Teacher Education institutions as an aid to teaching.It donated as many as 800 books useful in the field of education at Pine Grove College of Education in the form of Book Bank.
An appeal is extended to all people which can cater to the needs of needy and deserving candidates spread over in remote areas.They can also motivate others as well and contact their association on facebook page “Book Aid,India!” as well as their website “Book aid India.com”.Special thanks is extended to Mr.Manit Kaushal(CEO book aid India by Dr.Deepali Singla,Principal for the books donated by them as these books will be a life long asset in our institution which will enhance to the knowledge and improve the teaching-learning process of our students.

