9814815809 pgcebp@hotmail.com

Cleanliness drive in Pine Grove College of Education
“Cleanliness is next to godliness”
As Mahatma Gandhi quoted,
“Sanitation is more important than independence.”

SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN or Clean India mission is a campaign that aims at cleaning up roads, infrastructure, streets, rural areas, smaller towns and cities of the country.
Prime minister Narendra Modi officially launched this campaign on 2nd October,2014.This mission has become India’s largest drive till date as more than 3 million college students, govt. employees and school students participated in it.
The students of Pine Grove College of Education conduct Swachh Bharat mission cleanliness drive in nearby areas and villages. It is actively intiated under RRC(Red Ribbon Club) and NSS unit where they ask neighbourers to help and create mass awareness about sanitation.They gather the neccessary material like cleaning gloves, bins, brooms and dumping bags to clean the college premises and surrounding villages.As many as 150 students participated in the campaign.The locals also participated in the campaign by cleaning footpaths outside the college.


