Houses & Clubs

Motto of Gandhi House
We belong to GANDHI House . Our Role Modal is our Father of Nation Sh. M. K. Gandhi. Our Motto is EXAMPLE IS BETTER THAN TO PERCEPT. Today on this day of Investiture Ceremony, we all promise to work hard and bring peace in our school with brotherhood like Gandhi ji.

Motto of Shastri House
We belong to SHASTRI House. Our Role Modal is our ex Prime Minister Sh. LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI. Our Motto is TO HAVE DIGNITY OF LABOUR. Today on this day of Investiture Ceremony, we all promise to work hard putting all our efforts and having a sense of dignity of labour like Shastri ji .

Motto of Nehru House
We belong to NEHRU House . Our Role Modal is our first Prime Minister Sh. Jawaharlal Nehru. Our Motto is ARISE, AWAKE & MOVE NOT TILL THE GOAL IS ACHIEVED. Today on this day of Investiture Ceremony, we all promise to work hard and bring perfection in our school with hard work like Nehru ji.

Motto of Tagore House
We belong to TAGORE House. Our Role Modal is our famous writer Sh. Ravindra Nath Tagore. Our Motto is TO ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF KNOWLEDGE. Today on this day of Investiture Ceremony, we all promise to work hard to spread the light of knowledge like our Ravindra Nath ji.